Event at a glance
Venue: Greenwood Theatre, London Bridge, SE1 3RA
Date attended: 14, November 2015
Ticket Cost: 10-35 GBP
Ticket Cost: 10-35 GBP
Rating: ★★★★ (4/5)
My brief review: joyfully hilarious and light-heartedly enlightening
This year's pantomime is a corker - written by our very own Kate Hannam (star of Addams Family, Sleeping Beauty and more) - the Quay Players gives a brand new take on classic pantomime story Aladdin.
This pantomime is set in a
typical China town. It started with a song called “ Good morning Chinatown”,
introducing the setting and various roles of the story. The stage is full of
Chinese elements such as: lanterns, Chinese fans, Chinese costumes such as
Qipao. This show is very engaging and interactive by eliciting responses and
inviting the audiences to take part in. It’s joyfully hilarious and light-heartedly
enlightening, which can be a great event for families, especially those with
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The Huge Chinese Fan, even bigger than me |
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This pantomime actually takes place at KCL |
Wikipedia gives a detailed
account of this fairy tale.
Aladdin, is a Middle
Eastern folk tale. It is one of the tales in The Book of One
Thousand and One Nights ("The Arabian Nights"), and one of the best known.
is an impoverished young ne'er-do-well
in a Chinese
town. He is recruited by a sorcerer
from the Maghreb,
who passes himself off as the
brother of Aladdin's late father Mustapha the tailor,
convincing Aladdin and his mother of his good will by apparently making
arrangements to set up the lad as a
wealthy merchant. The sorcerer's real motive is to persuade young Aladdin to retrieve a wonderful oil
lamp from a booby-trapped magic cave.
After the sorcerer attempts to double-cross
him, Aladdin finds himself trapped in the magic cave. Fortunately, Aladdin retains a magic
ring lent to him by the sorcerer as
protection. When he rubs his hands in despair, he inadvertently rubs the ring and a jinnī
(or "genie") appears who
takes him home to his mother. Aladdin is still carrying the lamp. When his
mother tries to clean it, a second far more powerful genie appears who is bound
to do the bidding of the person
holding the lamp.
the aid of the genie of the lamp, Aladdin becomes rich and powerful and marries
Princess Badroulbadour,
the Emperor's daughter (after magically foiling
her marriage to the vizier's son).
The genie builds Aladdin a wonderful palace, a far more magnificent one than
that of the Emperor himself.
sorcerer returns and is able to get his hands on the lamp by tricking Aladdin's
wife (who is unaware of the lamp's importance) by offering to exchange
"new lamps for old". He orders the genie of the lamp to take the
palace along with all its contents to his home in the Maghreb. Fortunately,
Aladdin still has the magic ring and is able to summon the lesser genie. Although the genie of the ring cannot directly undo
any of the magic of the genie of the lamp, he is able to transport Aladdin to
the Maghreb where he recovers the lamp and kills the sorcerer in battle,
returning the palace (complete with the princess) to its proper place.
sorcerer's more powerful and evil brother tries to destroy Aladdin for killing
his brother by disguising himself as an old woman known for her healing powers.
Badroulbadour falls for his disguise and commands the "woman" to stay
in her palace in case of any illnesses. Aladdin is warned of this danger by the
genie of the lamp and slays the imposter. Everyone lives happily ever
after, Aladdin eventually succeeding to his father-in-law's throne.
由此可见,百度百科的讲解更侧重于故事的起源, 而维基百科的介绍则更详细的展现了故事本身。
So what's the moral of this folk tale? Shall I say 家有“仙”妻并不是最重要的, 重要的是家有“聪”妻, 才不会至于让阿拉丁两次家中失火之事件发生。所以阿拉丁在此告诫大家:打江山容易,守江山难。这江山守得牢不牢,关键得看你娶回家的女人聪不聪, 😄。
故事创作者并不知道美洲的存在,因此阿拉丁的“中国”代表的是“极东之地”,而魔法师的故乡摩洛哥则是“极西之地”。故事一开始就叙述了魔法师尽其所能地从远方来到中国,在创作者的世界观里那是最长的旅程,表现了魔法师试图获取无价神灯的决心。故事发展到最后时,精灵不费吹灰之力地帮助阿拉丁和魔法师瞬间往来于东西方之间,表现了精灵的强大威力。由此可见,百度百科的讲解更侧重于故事的起源, 而维基百科的介绍则更详细的展现了故事本身。
So what's the moral of this folk tale? Shall I say 家有“仙”妻并不是最重要的, 重要的是家有“聪”妻, 才不会至于让阿拉丁两次家中失火之事件发生。所以阿拉丁在此告诫大家:打江山容易,守江山难。这江山守得牢不牢,关键得看你娶回家的女人聪不聪, 😄。
Corker: [
ˈkɔ:kə(r) ] N-COUNT 杰出的人;出类拔萃的事物
If you say that someone or something is
a corker, you mean that they are very good.
pantomime : [ ˈpæntəmaɪm ] N-COUNT 圣诞童话剧 A pantomime is a funny musical play for children.
Pantomimes are usually based on fairy stories and are performed at Christmas.
[ ˈneədu:wel ] n. 没用的人,饭桶; 不成材; 不成器; 乏货
an idle worthless person.
In fairy stories, a sorcerer is a person who performs
magic by using the power of evil spirits
the region of northwest Africa
comprising the Atlas Mountains and the coastlands of Morocco and Algeria and
Tunisia. 公元702年阿拉伯人征服了整个马格里布.
himself off as: 冒充
[ læd ] N-COUNT; A lad is a young man or boy 小伙子;年轻人;少年;男孩.
[ rɪˈtri:v ] VERB If you retrieve something, you get it
back from the place where you left it. 取回;找回
booby-trapped: VERB A booby-trap is something such as a
bomb which is hidden or disguised and which causes death or injury when it is
touched. If something is booby-trapped, a booby-trap is placed in it or
on it. 设置陷阱;布下饵雷;安放炸弹
[ 'dʌbl krɒs ] VERB. If someone you trust double-crosses
you, they do something which harms you instead of doing something they had
promised to do. 欺骗;阳奉阴违;出卖
[ rɪˈteɪn ] VERB.
To retain something means to continue to have that thing.
[ ˌɪnədˈvɜ:təntli ] ADJ. An inadvertent action is one that you
do without realizing what you are doing. 无意的;并非故意的;因疏忽造成的
[ ˈdʒi:ni ] N-COUNT.
In stories from Arabia and Persia, a genie is a spirit which
appears and disappears by magic and obeys the person who controls it. (阿拉伯和波斯神话故事中的)精灵,魔仆
If you say that the genie is out of
the bottle or that someone has let the genie out of the bottle, you
mean that something has happened which has made a great and permanent change in
people's lives, especially a bad change.
[ ˈbɪdɪŋ ] PHRASE.
If you say that someone does another person's bidding, you
disapprove of the fact that they do exactly what the other person asks them to
do, even when they do not want to ; 对…唯命是从
[ fɔɪl ] VERB. If
you foil someone's plan or attempt to do something, for example to
commit a crime, you succeed in stopping them from doing what they want. 阻止;挫败
[ vɪˈzɪə(r) ] Noun. a high official in a Muslim government
(especially in the Ottoman Empire) (伊斯兰国家的)高官,大臣, 宰相
Grand Vizier: 大宰相
[ ˈlesə(r) ] ADJ-COMPAR. N-IN-NAMES.
Lesser is used in the
names of some species of birds, animals, and plants. (用在鸟类、哺乳动物、植物等名称中)小
[ sleɪ ] VERB.
murder 残杀
[ ɪm'pɑstɚ ] Noun. a person who makes deceitful pretenses
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