Tuesday 3 November 2015

Limousine 礼宾车

 在看到子就叫car?那你就out 了。今天跟大家一起一个高大上的英文单词Limousine

以下内容由小根据基百科整理, 供大家一起

A limousine  /ˌlɪˈziːn/ (or limo) is a luxury sedan or saloon car generally driven by a chauffeur and with a partition between the driver and the passenger compartment. Limousines often have a lengthened wheelbase.

A lengthened wheelbase

Limousine limo, 是一个在20初由法借入的英文单词,所以仍保留着法的拼写和音。其中文翻各种各,有豪华轿车,高级轿车轿车,礼等,小个人得翻最到位的宾车。前面提到的其它各翻译版本总觉得非土即豪,或者土豪,而礼宾车这个翻译从声译这个角度来讲,和原单词共享了三个发音: “li”  礼,“ou/ə/”  和 “ine / iːn/”宾,并且都是三个音节。从意译这个角度来讲,礼宾二字更显优雅,给人以高大上的感觉。


It was originally an enclosed automobile with open driver's seat. It is named after a type of cloak and hood that was worn by the inhabitants of the Limousin region that later resembled the covering of a carriage and much later used to describe an automobile body with a permanent top that extended over the open driver's compartment.


the original limousine

In modern use, a limousine is a luxury sedan or saloon car, especially one with a lengthened wheelbase or driven by a chauffeur. The chassis of a limousine may have been extended by the manufacturer or by an independent coachbuilder. These are called "stretch" limousines and are traditionally black or white. Limousines are usually liveried vehicles, driven by professional chauffeurs. As the most expensive form of automobile ground transportation, limousines are culturally associated with wealth or power and are commonly cited as examples of conspicuous consumption. Among the less wealthy, limousines are often hired during special events (most commonly weddings, proms, and bachelor parties).

在当今社会,limousine的底通常经过长或加宽处理,色常为经典的黑白色。Limousines 通常被用为电召车,由专职的私人司机驾驶。作为最昂贵的地面交通工具,Limousines 喻为富和利的象征,在大街上有最土豪级别的回头率。当然不是所有坐在limousine里的都是土豪,屌丝们也可以在特日子里租个limousine土豪一把,比如婚礼,毕业舞会,或者身派等等。

While some limousines are owned by individuals, many are owned by governments to transport senior politicians, by companies to transport executives and guests. Most stretch limousines, however, operate as livery vehicles, providing upmarket competition to taxicabs. Builders of stretch limousines purchase stock cars from manufacturers and modify them, and most are in the United States and Europe and cater mainly to limousine companies. Few stretch limousines are sold new to private individuals. In addition to luxuries, security features such as armoring and bulletproof glass are available.


In 2012, the limousine market size was over $4 billion in the United States. 

如此高大上的limousines到底得花多少两白银呢?三年前美国市场价为40亿美金,想想现在在中国得花多少毛爷爷呢?够数钱数到手抽筋级别的土豪们可以考虑考虑哦 :)


Learn English in the context of Global Traveler's posts

chauffeur[ ʃoʊˈfɜ:r ] N-COUNT (富人或要人的)私人司机

partition[ pɑ:rˈtɪʃn ] N-COUNT 隔断;隔扇;隔墙;隔板

wheelbase[ ˈwi:lbeɪs ] N-COUNT (汽车或其他交通工具前后轮之间的)轴距

cloak[ kləʊk ] N-COUNT 斗篷;披风

hood [ hʊd ] N-COUNT (外衣的)风帽,兜帽

Limousin[地名] [法国] 利穆赞(地区)

Chassis[ ˈʃæsi ] N-COUNT (车辆的)底盘,底架,底座

Stretch[ stretʃ ] 伸展的长度(或宽度)

liveried vehicles

conspicuous [ kənˈspɪkjuəs ] ADJ-GRADED 显眼的;引人注目的

proms[ prɒm ] N-COUNT (学校在学年末举行的)正式舞会

upmarket[ ˌʌpˈmɑ:kɪt ] ADJ-GRADED (产品或服务)高端的,高档的

armoring [ 'ɑ:mərɪŋ ] 装甲,武器

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